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Half and Half

Being biracial puts me aside from a lot of people. There was times where I was too black for my white friends yet too white for my Black friends. Growing up, my personality would change depending on what group I was with.

This kept me from having my own identity. I would change myself to better fit in with whatever friends were around at the time. All of this because I didn't want to feel alone - to feel left out.

It was never enough though. I could never be fully white to be just like most of the people I knew. Yet when I was with my Black friends, it was always "you're not really black, you're just a half and half" or "you're the whitest Black person I know". Was what they were saying true? Yes, that it was.

But sometimes it still hurt.

It seemed like my Black friends were downplaying my experience because I was biracial. "How bad could you really have it? You're just a half and half". I have definitely faced racism and discrimination in my life, been called the N word, felt less than, all because of the color of my skin. Yet to them my experience was less than theirs because a part of me was white.

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