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When They See Us

When They See Us is another good one to watch to help see what some Black people experience. It's on Netflix and has 4 volumes that are around an hour each.

Towards the beginning, a large group of Black kids are walking through Central Park. A woman was found beaten with severe injuries later that night. She was a jogger that had been struck on the back of the head, then dragged and beaten.

The police show up, and every body that was there went running. One of the boy's dads gets super upset about it when he hears this, as his dad had taught him that wasn't what to do when the cops show up. It's obvious that he knew the risks of what can happen when the cops see a Black kid running from them.

Some of the boys get questioned and asked what they had been doing out in the park to begin with. Someone had described what they were doing as "wilding", so they get asked about that as well.

5 young Black boys later get arrested. They were interrogated and eventually coerced into confessing.

This series follows the trial of the boys as they try to fight and prove their innocence. It's based on the true story of the Central Park Jogger case in 1989. It's a great watch that helps see what people of color experience when it comes to criminal cases, even when they're being wrongly convicted.

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